2-3 cloves garlic+30-50ml.boiled water for 2 hrs.and drop to each nostril 2-3 drops for 2 days.
NASMORK- Onion skin put on Hot Elektrical Stove and SMELL.
ANGINA =CLOVE(gvozdika):0/5L.water+32 cloves(spices).Boil,cover for 12 hrs.Gargle 4 times a day.THE BEST!---------------------------------------------
TONSILITIS;Propolis 1% +honey 1tsp.mix and put into mouth,slow suckin.for 10 days.Stpo and more 10 days.
Also good drink 1 cup Beer(hot)slow and go sleep.2-3 times.Same for Laringit and Faringit.
2)SEA BUCKHORN(oblepixa oil)-grease nose 2-3 times dayl
and Throat(faringit) and tonsils.(vatoy na palochke)
3)Gargle every hour warm water;!st 1tsp.soda=1cup water,2nd hr.1tsp.salt,3d hr with 10 drops iodine.
4)Propolis- 1 part 10%extract+ 2 parts Glyzerine(smazivat throat 4-5 times a day
5)Apple cider vinager to gargle:1 Tbs.+1/2 cup hot water few times a day and sip a little.
6)Lemon juice+ honey same size gargle and drink.
7)Beetroot juice to gargle.
8)Propolis extract in 1/2 cup warm water to gargle.-IMMEDIATE RESULT.
9)2 Aspirin tablets in glass warm water- gargle
10)Strong Tea for gargle
COLDS AND FLU; 3 tbs horseradish to 1L boiled water and smell under covered pot
5-10 min
Gnoyniy Plevrit(inflammation)--- Aloe,Honey,Kagor each 1 cup for 10 days in dark place in glass.Room temperature.Each day to shake.Take:1 Tbs. 3 times a day before eating food.After 15-20 min.drink Hot milk.
COUGH-in glass tin make opening,2-3 cloves garlic(shred) and put in pot with hot water.Dip breath by mouth and breath out by nose.15-20 min.Not later than 2 hrs.before sleep.Repeat after 2-3 days.
ASTMA and prevention:24 lemons,450 g.garlic,2L glass tin.Make juice,grate garlic,all mix for 15 days in cupboard,cover with x/b cloth.Take 1tsp.on 1/2 cup boiled water.Finish all. 2 times a year.----------------------------------------------
CHRONICAL BRONCHITIS- 2-3 Tbs.sugar on frypan to brown colour+1 cup water+2Tbs.expectorant ,4-5 days.
1 Tbs fried sugar+1/2 cup water before go sleep
BRONCHTIS;Black radish,grate,warm(little)on ''marliu'and to back and chest for 15 min.
MUCUS off from bronch (chinese) 3 Lemons with skin +125gr.grated Horseradish.1 tsp.Morning and Evening 10 min.before food for 2-3 weeks
COLD PREVENTION:1 tsp.oil suck before eat in the morning,then gargle mouth with warm water 1 cup=1/4 tsp.curcuma+1/2 tsp.salt.
Good to gargle throat every day,then 1 ps.garlic hold in mouth as a candy.Through saliva to body.
COld:50 g.horse radish -grate,2 lemon-juice. 2tsp.2 a day after food and not eat 1/2hour.
CO=LD- for night:4-5 red hot pepper +0/5 L.vodka for 3 days hold.Put socks wet and wear and go to sleep.Good !!
CABBAGE leaves(make soft)and to throat,scarf wooven and for 2 hours,then repeat.
NOSE clean with salt water and massage 10 times 3 points on nostril,wash nose with hhousesoap.
COLDS AND FLU: Chicken soup. Ginger tea-3-4 slices in hot water,simmering 10-30 min.+honey+lemon.+hyssop tea(health shop)
Chili pepper (cayenne)sprincle on food.
Astragalus+Interferon(for bronchitis sufferers.
Echinesia(prevent and treat) CARLIC.Elderberry(stops viruses)
Zink(immune system).Avoid dairy(make mucus)
THROAT : 1) put on scarf.2)Hold in mouth Honey,Oblepixa oil,little garlic,eat 1/2 lemon with skin(not eat 1hr.after),gargle.
Soda 1/4ts.+1/4 cup hot water.On scarf put cotton ,cellofun and marlyu 4-6 slices in
SINUS-pain:1-2 tsp Thyme dry in a cup of boiling water,10 min 3 times a day.
NOSE dripping-wash nose with salt or soda with water.3-5 times a day.
3.Smell smoked" dry ps.of bread 3-5 times 3 min.
4.Nose-(gaymorit)-2 potatoes in skin,boiled,roll over nose,or same with eggs,or with hot salt(big) in bag.
5.Nose-dry Mustard to feet and wool socks for 2-3 hrs.and walk in the room.
6.Nose-inhalation :3-4 tsp.sodai in boiling water and breath 10 min.Or eucalyptus,or mint,or Pine leaf-bud.
7.Nose-5-6 drops fresh beetroot or tampon in nostrils.Or Carrot juice +oil(few drops)+garlic(few drops)or
skin of orange in nostrils for 15-20 min.
8.Nose-massage points:between brows, between Big and Indicating finger 10 times both direction.
9.COUGH=Grate few onions and cook with sugar(1 cup,200g)5-10 min.on small.Drink every hour 1 tsp.
10.NASMORK(Rinit)=To each nostril -OTRIVIN 4-5days morning and night.After 5 min wash with salted water.For 1L boiled water 2 tsp sea salt and 1tsp.Soda
11.PICHTA (ABIES) OIL-for Angina -spread on Mindalini with stick and Cotton wool 3-4 times a day for 2-3 days.
12.COUGH- before sleep 3-5drops on tongue .Good! PICHTA(ABIES) oil.
13.BRONCHITIS -0/5 L boiling water+ 5drops Pichta oil.Inhalation 5-10min