Thursday, 20 August 2015


Лучший стабилизатор сахара в крови -  малина ! В малине содержится антоциан (растительный пигмент), который поддерживает выработку инсулина и контролирует уровень сахара в крови , тем самым защищая от диабета
Защита от рака кишечника -  зеленый или белый чай ! Одна чашка в день в два раза снижает риск заболевания раком кишечника. Антиоксиданты,  содержащиеся в чае, называемые катехинами, подавляют развитие раковых клеток .
Защита кожи -  морковка ! Ученые Национального института по исследованиям раковых заболеваний США обнаружили,  что у людей,  потребляющих большое количество каротина (пигменты,  содержащиеся в морковке),  в 6  раз меньше вероятность развития рака кожи .
Защита для сердца -  лосось ! Потребление естественных жиров, например, в лососе или оливковом масле, повышает уровень холестерина ЛВП.  Кроме того, в лососе содержится большое количество жирных кислот омега -3, которые предотвращают сердечно - сосудистые заболевания .
Защита костей -  креветки ! Креветки богаты витамиом В 12, который делает кости более прочными и играет важную роль в развитии новых клеток. Кроме этого, креветки являются источником витамина D,  важного ингредиента в составе костей
. Защита от рака груди -  цельное зерно ! Согласно исследованию,  женщины,  получающие не менее 30  г цельного зерна в день, в 2 раза меньше предрасположены к заболеванию рака легких. Чашка каши с черникой - лучшая защита от рака груди.
Контролер кровяного давления -  вареный картофель ! Потребление калия (достаточно 400г вареного картофеля, но обязательно картофель есть со шкуркой!)  существенно снижает кровяное давление .
Лучшая защита для зубов -  твердый сыр ! Исследователи обнаружили, что 10г сыра Чеддер, Гауда или Моцарелла в день снижает уровень рН,  что предотвращает появление повреждений зубов.
Лучший защитник зрения -  шпинат или салат - латук ! Национальный институт здоровья выяснил,  что у тех, кто потребляет лютерин (найденный в зелени), на 43%  меньше вероятность дегенерации желтого пятна ..
Эликсир молодости -  красное вино ! Окислительный стресс играет главную роль в старении, а антиоксиданты в красном вине, резерватролы, помогают продлить жизнь,  путем нейтрализации болезнетворных свободных радикалов. Пино Нуар: в одном стакане этого вина содержится больше всего резерватрола.
Восстановление волос -  говядина ! Железо в мясе стимулирует обновление и восстановление волос. Кроме того, говядина богата цинком, предотвращающий выпадение волос .
Защита от рака простаты -  чеснок ! Компоненты, находящиеся в чесноке, снижают вероятность заболевания раком простаты на 50%.
Защита от рака легких -  грейпфрут ! Грейпфрут в день снижает развитие рака легких на 50%. В грейпфруте содержится нарингин,  который помогает снизить уровень энзимов, провоцирующих развитие раковых клеток .
Контроль уровня холестерина - оливковое масло ! Антиоксиданты,  содержащиеся в оливковом масле, повышают уровень холестерина ЛВП (хорошего!)  и понижают уровень холестерина ЛНП (плохого). А также оливковое масло является отличной защитой против сердечно - сосудистых заболеваний .
Лучший стимулятор работы мозга -  кофе ! Кроме того, что кофе дает заряд бодрости на 90 минут, чашка кофе по утрам -  источник антиоксидантов, которые предотвращают развитие болезни Альцгеймера более чем на 60%

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Fen -Foo point - ice

Если приложить к этому месту кусочек льда, с твоим организмом произойдут невероятные перемены!

Если приложить к этому месту кусочек льда, с твоим организмом произойдут невероятные перемены! Невероятное улучшение физического самочувствия тебе подарит всего лишь одна процедура. На это место нужно поставить кусочек льда, и чудо случится… Пройдет головная боль, активизируется весь организм, тебя наполнит невиданная бодрость. Точка фэн-фу — уникальна. Это зона, воздействуя на которую, получается влиять непосредственно на мозг, ведь между кожей и мозгом в данном месте ничего нет! Попробуй провести эту необычную оздоровительную процедуру, максимальный эффект для здоровья без лишних усилий обеспечен! Провести стимуляцию точки фэн-фу очень легко: нужно всего лишь поставить кусочек льда на точку, указанную на рисунке. Это место внутри впадины между сухожилиями шеи, примерно на 3 см выше границы волосистой части головы. Тут сходятся воедино голова и шея. Лед в этой зоне необходимо держать в течение 20 минут. Повторять процедуру нужно раз в 3 дня — следуя знаниям китайской акупунктуры, это оптимальный интервал. Для лучшего эффекта рекомендуется это делать натощак. Почему прикладывать нужно именно лед? Он создаст перепад температуры, который простимулирует приток крови в мозг. Область соединения головы и шеи — удивительна, там находятся центры, которые отвечают за дыхание и кровоснабжение организма. С помощью простой процедуры можно вылечить ряд заболеваний и укрепить тело в целом. Болезни органов дыхания и сердечно-сосудистой системы, нарушение функций щитовидной железы, ожирение и недостаточный вес, вегетососудистую дистонию, гипотонию и гипертонию — всё это можно вычеркнуть из своей жизни благодаря точке фэн-фу. Секрет в том, что это — самое уязвимое место на нашем теле. Китайские самураи пользовались этим знанием и наносили врагам травмы, несовместимые с жизнью. Но есть и другая сторона: отсутствие кости, защищающей мозг, делает эту зону обладательницей исключительных целительных свойств.

sciatic nerve - radikulit

Вот народный рецепт, который я назвал рецептом от Марии:
Три крупные чесночные головки кладутся в кастрюлю, заливаются 0,5 литрами воды, доводят до кипения и кипятят 40 секунд до одной минуты. Затем прокипячённые чесночные головки необходимо растолочь (например, в ступке) до кашеобразного состояния. Излишняя чешуя из растолченной массы извлекается. Получившаяся кашица выкладывается во внутрь вдвое сложенного хлопчатобумажного полотенца, или большой широкой салфетки, которыми и покрывают весь пояснично-крестцовый отдел позвоночника. Чесночная кашица должна быть хорошо герметизирована. Полотенце, салфетки накрываются целлофаном, сверх целлофана располагается шерстяной шарф, а затем этот «компресс» основательно, аккуратно, фиксируется на теле бинтами, как любой компресс. 
В такой повязке-компрессе можно находиться с утра до вечера. Не рекомендуется   оставаться с повязкой на ночь, так как во время сна трудно соблюсти и обеспечить очень хорошую, абсолютно герметичную изоляцию чесночной кашицы, а также избежать избыточное давление повязки на кожу. Прямое (вне повязки) попадание на кожу чесночной кашицы, тем более во время неконтролируемых движений (давления) во сне, может вызвать раздражение кожи, в особенности у людей с чувствительной кожей.
Вообще, при ощущении раздражения кожи (чувство жжения, небольшая боль) под повязкой её необходимо снять и дать коже "отдохнуть". 
Однако, в первый же день применения чесночной повязки уже к вечеру наступает значительное улучшение, совершенно исчезают самые страшные боли, а к вечеру второго дня (при повторении лечения свежими 3 головками чеснока) человек практически здоров! Если ещё нет полного ощущения, что приступ радикулита совсем отступил, можно повторить процедуру ещё через несколько дней, до полного выздоровления. Вот и весь рецепт.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Tremor's diet

Tremor-Fighting Foods and Tremor-Causing Foods. They are both fairly straight forward: a number of foods have now been proven to stop tremors if eaten on a regular, near-daily basis. Likewise, a number of foods and food-like substances now commonplace in the diet have been shown to cause and perpetuate tremors, and thus Essential Tremor can only be over- come when these things are completely eliminated from the diet. The men and women who find the most success with us are those who read the report in its entirety and follow it as closely as possible. But as a disclaimer, I must remind you that this is not medical advice, and for medical advice of any kind you should consult your health care provider. Make no mistake, daily use of the Tremadone Oral Supplement will help you make great strides in your recovery. But, following this diet helps build the strongest possible foundation for an effective tremor-fighting strategy. This is not professional medical advice. Nor is any communication from Nutriganix LLC. Consult a professional health care provider before taking any of the recommendations in this eBook. his section of the report deals with foods that you should be consuming on a regu- lar basis in order to get your body’s physiological environment in peak condition to eliminate tremors. Next to each food is an indication of how many times per week you should be consuming a serving of the food for optimal benefits. You should strongly consider purchasing these foods every time you go grocery shopping. Many people will buy almost only these things, with very little else. This can be a challenging approach, but results have proven its effectiveness. Live cultures have been cited by individuals suffering from tremors of all sorts as a “wonder cure.”The foods detailed in this section are abundant in live cultures. Probiotics, sometimes referred to as “live cultures” are good bacteria that live in your stomach and aid you in digestion. Digestion is one of the most important processes of our body and also one of the most taken for granted. Without proper digestion, your body can’t extract the nutri- ents it needs from foods. Without proper digestion, your body’s hormonal profile will be skewed. Without proper digestion, your body simply won’t function properly. The reason people are jumping up and down over probiotics is clear: they offer amazing digestive benefits. In fact, a growing body of scientific evidence has now proven that not only can you treat, but you can also prevent numerous neurological illnesses, such as essential tremor, by supplementing your body’s probiotic profile. They are also essential to guarantee your body’s absorption of the Tremadone Oral Supplement. Although probiotics are technically bacteria, they’re completely safe. In fact, they’re already present in your gut, helping you digest. It is recommended that you consume probiotic foods once per day, and a minimum of 4 times per week. The following are some of the best and cheapest ways to add probi- otics to your diet. When selecting a yogurt for it’s probiotic content, you must be diligent and read the label. It must say on the label that it contains “active live cultures.” You’ll also want to look for a statement that says the cultures were added after pasteurization, a process which kills all the living organ- isms in a food. Because yogurt comes from milk, it
contains much needed animal protein,
along with calcium, magnesium, potas-
sium, b-12 and b-2. Deficiencies in b-12
have garnered attention recently as a
cause of severe tremors. Full support
comes from the scientific community
showing that a deficiency in b-12 at least
perpetuates tremors. Perhaps this answers the question of why something as simple as the addition of yogurt to the diet can have a positive impact on individuals struggling with essential tremor. Eat three times a week Like yogurts, not all sauerkrauts are created equal. Sauerkraut is chopped cabbage that has been fermented, and it’s health benefits have been touted for over a thousand years due to unique changes that occur in the food during the fermentation processes. During the fermentation process, certain phytochemicals are produced that have long shown an ability to decrease a broad spectrum of health problems. This is because sau- erkraut is one of the single best foods you can eat to aid your digestion. The fermentation process also produces a substance called isothiocynates. Isothiocynates are a bit of a mystery right now to scientists, because they have been shown in clinical trials to substantially inhibit nearly all forms of cancer. It is not known yet if this substance is also partially responsible for the benefi- cial effects sauerkraut has on tremors, but it is possible. Also present in Sauerkraut is the probiotic Lactobacilli plantarum. Sauerkraut is one of the few foods that contain this particular strain of probiotic which has powerful health benefits. Lactobacilli neutralizes anti-nutrients present in countless foods including the phytic acid present in all grains and the trypsin-inhibitors in soy. In doing so, it generates new nutrients including omega-3s, various digestive aids and the trace mineral GTF chromium that many people are deficient in. Touted by many as the healthiest food in the world, Sauerkraut should be as much of a daily part of your diet as possible. However, you must be careful to select a raw sauerkraut, and if you can find organic sauerkraut even better. No pasteurized sauerkraut will contain the health benefits noted above, because all of the probiotics have been killed in the pasteurization process. Because organic raw sauerkraut can be very expensive and very difficult to find, the best option is to make your own raw organic Sauerkraut. All you need is a head of cabbage and salt. Organic cabbage goes for about 69 cents per pound, and so just two dollars can get you a few pounds of cabbage and enough sauerkraut to eat it daily for a week. It takes two weeks from the day you chop the cabbage to the day it’s ready, so be prepared to wait for your first batch to be ready. Starting a second batch one week into the first batch is also a good idea, so by the time you finish the first batch the second will be ready. Here is a recipe for sauerkraut, which is one of the least expensive, and healthiest foods in the world. It also is perhaps the most powerful guarantee that the vitamin-packed foods you’re eating to combat your tremors will be well absorbed. Ceramic crock or large glass bowl
• Plate that fits inside crock or bowl
• One-gallon jug filled with water
• Cloth cover (like a pillowcase or towel) Chop or grate cabbage, finely or coarsely, with or without hearts. You can also use a food processor to make it go quicker. Place cabbage in a large bowl as you chop it. Sprinkle salt on the cabbage as you go. The salt pulls water out of the cabbage (through osmosis), and this creates the brine in which the cabbage can ferment and sour without rotting. The salt also has the effect of keeping the cabbage crunchy, by inhibiting organisms and enzymes that soften it. Three tablespoons of salt is a rough guideline for 5 pounds of cabbage. You can actually just shake some on after you chop each cabbage.
3. Add other vegetables. Grate carrots for a coleslaw-like kraut. Other vegetables you can add include onions, garlic, seaweed, greens, Brussels sprouts, small whole heads of cabbage, turnips, beets, and burdock roots. You can also add fruits (apples, whole or sliced, are classic), and herbs and spices (caraway seeds, dill seeds, celery seeds, and juniper berries are classic, but anything you like will work). Experiment.
4. Mix ingredients together and pack into crock or bowl. Pack just a bit into the crock at a time and tamp it down hard using your fists or any (other) sturdy kitchen implement. The tamping packs the kraut tight in the crock and helps force water out of the cabbage.
5. Cover kraut with a plate or some other lid that fits snugly inside the crock. Place a clean weight (a glass jug filled with water) on the cover. This weight is to force water out of the cabbage and then keep the cabbage submerged under the brine. Cover
the whole thing with a cloth to keep dust and flies out.
6. Press down on the weight to add pressure to the cabbage and help force
water out of it. Continue doing this periodically (as often as you think of it, ev-
ery few hours), until the brine rises above the cover. This can take up to about 24 hours, as the salt draws water out of the cabbage slowly. Some cabbage, particu- larly if it is old, simply contains less water. If the brine does not rise above the plate level by the next day, add enough salt water to bring the brine level above the plate. Add about a teaspoon of salt to a cup of water and stir until it’s completely dissolved.

7. Leave the crock to ferment. Store it in an unobtrusive corner of the kitchen where you won’t forget about it, but where it won’t be in anybody’s way. You could also store it in a cool basement if you want a slower fermentation that will preserve for longer.
8. Check the kraut every day or two. The volume reduces as the fermentation pro- ceeds. Sometimes mold appears on the surface. This is completely normal. Skim what you can off of the surface; it will break up and you will probably not be able to remove all of it. Don’t worry about this. It’s just a surface phenomenon, a result of contact with the air. The kraut itself is under the anaerobic protection of the brine. Rinse off the plate and the weight. Taste the kraut. Generally it starts to be tangy after a few days, and the taste gets stronger as time passes. In the cool
temperatures of a cellar in winter, kraut can keep improving for months and months. In the summer or in a heated room, its life cycle is more rapid. Eventually it becomes soft and the flavor turns less pleasant.
9. Enjoy. Also, pay attention to the juice on the bottom. Sauerkraut juice is an unparalleled digestive tonic. Each time you scoop some kraut out of the crock, you have to repack it carefully. Make sure the kraut is packed tight in the crock, the sur- face is level, and the cover and weight are clean. Sometimes brine evaporates, so if the kraut is not submerged below brine just add salted water as necessary.
10. Time your batches. Start a new batch before the previous batch runs out. It’s good to remove the remaining kraut from the crock, repack it with fresh salted cabbage, then pour the old kraut and its juices over the new kraut. This gives the new batch a boost with an active culture starter. And viola! You’ve got a vitamin absorbing food to eat weekly on a budget.
Kombucha - Two times a week
Kombucha is a type of probiotic tea. It has been popular
in other countries for thousands of years, and is only now starting to gain popularity in the US. It’s made by adding a probiotic colony of bacteria and yeast to green or black tea and allowing it to ferment.

Kombucha is a natural adaptogen which works on a broad
spectrum of physiological imbalances, the result of which
restores balance and supports many vital systems of the
human body. Scientific research shows the benefits of Kombucha, which has a high concentration of probiotic-rich acids, includes significant energy boosts, detoxification of the blood (an important process considering the amount of artificial foods we con- sume daily), and alleviation of a wide spectrum of ailments and conditions.

Documented research also demonstrates that regular consumption of Kombucha tea invigorates the central nervous system, thereby its ability to fight involuntary tremors. The specific mechanisms by which Kombucha works on the nervous system is still unknown. However, we have received numerous reports of Kombucha having a positive effect on tremor reduction, and for this reason we recommend a serving two times per week. It can be found at any health food store or natural food store.
Flax seeds - Four times a week added in meals
Flax seeds contain one of the greatest nutritional profiles of any food on the plan- et. Ounce for ounce, the amount of fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3s found in flax seeds are greater than any other food. It’s high in most B vitamins (including b-12 which is vital to stop tremors), magnesium, and manganese. In addition, it is the single best source of lignans, which converts in the intestines into substances that balance
It is thought that these lignans are the main reason flax seeds have been shown to have positive effects on people suffering from severe tremors. Hormonal imbalances are a major contributing factor to tremors, and diets high in flax seeds make it nearly impossible for your hormones to be imbalanced.
You can find flax seeds at any health food store. Organic flax seeds are best, as they’re grown without harmful pesticides. Recipe tip: Add flax seeds to yogurt with live active cultures for a tasty, crunchy, nutritious and tremor-stopping power meal.
Broccoli - Four times a week
Ounce for ounce, broccoli packs the more nutritional punch than any other vegetable. It includes vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, and fiber. It helps control high blood pressure, which can be a sign of high stress (which always aggravates tremors).
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, meaning it naturally contains the phytochemicals indoles and isothiocyanates. You should remember isothiocynates from our discussion on sauerkraut, and so it should come as no surprise the broccoli is technically in the cabbage family. Broccoli, contains a specific isothiocynate called sulforaphane, which increases the activity of a certain group of enzymes in our body that destroy cancer- causing agents.
The interesting thing is that in order to activate this group of enzymes, the sulfora- phane actually alters the gene expression in related cells. This provides one theoretical explanation why broccoli is so often reported as having a positive on stopping trem- ors.
However, it is the high concentration of vitamin b-5 that provides the most logical explanation why so many people report that regular consumption of broccoli among other things stop tremors for good. B-5 has been proven in numerous studies to reduce muscle tremors among athletes engaged in vigorous training. Add tremors caused by neurological disorders to that list.
Cooking tip: When preparing broccoli, it is best to steam it lightly, until it develops a dark, rich, green coloration. You’ll know it when you see it.
Fresh Cilantro - Four times a week
Cilantro is of immense importance for your diet if you are experiencing tremors. It is an amazing herb, one we like to refer to as a “wonder herb,” with a high con- centration of essential oils and one secret weapon: cilantro actually removes heavy metals from your system.
However, before we continue to discuss cilantro, how to cook it, and how it works on the body, we need to understand heavy metals in our body, what they are, how they got there, and what they do to the central nervous system.
Heavy Metal Briefing
We know what you’re probably thinking. “Heavy metals? In my system? Not likely.” Think again. The average person today, on average, has significantly higher con- centrations of heavy metals in the body compared to people 50 to 100 years ago. The main culprits that cause tremors are mercury and also lead to a lesser degree.
Mercury embodies all of the negative consequences we are now experiencing from the industrial revolution. This chemical, which is ubiquitous in the manufacturing of everything from our cars to our food, is one of the most toxic substances to humans on earth. Mercury buildup in the body has been linked to a number of sources.
Fish is a major source of mercury in humans, with tuna having an incredibly high
amount of mercury present, along with shark, swordfish, and marlin. Lobsters, Cod, Bass, and Halibut all have high levels of mercury as well. Another major source of mer- cury is “silver” dental fillings which are comprised of approximately 50 percent mercury. The mercury vapor from these amalgam fillings is lipid soluble and passes readily through cell membranes and across the blood brain barrier. The mercury es- capes continually during the entire life of the filling, and it’s release is stimulated fur- ther by chewing, brushing, and hot fluids.
Mercury, in trace amounts, is also found in nearly all foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. That is because high fructose corn syrup is made using a process called “mercury immersion,” in which the entire batch of corn syrup is immersed in mercury. Of course, you would never know any of this if you simply watched this commercial put out by the corn syrup industry.
The effects of mercury increase with the amount present in our body, which increases every time we eat tuna fish, get a silver filling or eat something with corn syrup in it. Specifically, mercury can cause a metallic taste in the mouth, excess salivation, gingi- vitis, hair loss, stomach and kidney troubles, and of course, tremors. Mental symptoms include shyness, irritability, apathy and depression, psychosis, mental deterioration, and anorexia.
Mercury in the body has been shown to play a direct role in neurological disorders that cause tremors. Eliminating mercury containing foods from your diet and the mercury buildup in your body is absolutely essential to stop essential tremor.
Lead can get into our system from a number of sources. Drinking water can be con- taminated with it, fish can be contaminated or even if you run your hand over some- thing painted with lead paint, and then eat without washing your hands you can be directly exposed. Lead is much tougher to avoid than mercury, usually because we don’t know we’re ingesting it. Mercury, on the other hand, is avoided simply be cutting most fish and processed foods out of your diet, and perhaps replacing any “silver” fill- ings you’ve received.
Lead in the body can cause combinations of gastrointestinal problems, tremors, hyper- tension, fatigue, hemolytic anemia, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction, arthralgias, headache, weakness, con- vulsions, irritability, impotence, loss of libido, depression, depression of oxygen in the blood (known to play a role in tremors), gout and much more.
Back to Cilantro
So now that we know where the heavy metals are coming from (particularly mercury), we should be doing all we can to avoid them. We'll get into this in greater detail in the "Foods that Cause Tremors" section, but for now let's talk about Cilantro.
Cilantro has the amazing ability to remove heavy metals from the body. This is good news, considering that exposure to heavy metals is simply part of industrialized life. In fact, it is already being used in clinical settings to remove heavy metals directly from the spinal cord. For this reason, Cilantro should be incorporated into the diet on a daily basis. But beware! You must use fresh cilantro to experience the benefits, as the dried form available in spice bottles, does not have the same properties and abilities. So get a fresh bunch of cilantro from your local grocery store once a week, and chop it up, put it in salads, cook with it, put it on sandwiches and in whatever other meals to get as much as possible weekly.
Recipe: Cilantro Pesto
1 Bunch fresh organic cilantro
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon cod liver oil with lemon
1/2 cup roasted pine nuts
juice of 1 lemon (or 2 meyer lemons if you want to get fancy) 3 tablespoons of fresh avocado
2 cloves garlic peeled and mashed
1/4 teaspoon tumeric sea salt and ground green pepper

Add all the ingredients to a blender or food processor and puree until texture is creamy and flavor only has a hint of bitter after taste.
This sauce is delicious with virtually anything from meats like turkey and steak to sprouted pasta and toast. It even works drizzled over sliced apples!
Eating various nuts on a regular basis is of critical importance to fight essential tremor. All types of nuts, including peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews and so on are included here. A Harvard study, published in September 2006 in Longevity, found that women who ate 142 grams of nuts per week or more were 35 percent less likely to have a heart attack than those who ate less than 28 grams a month.
Nuts are rich in protein, fiber, monounsaturat-
ed fats, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Walnuts are a staple nut, more important than nearly any other nut, because they have
high levels of omega-3s, whereas other nuts do not. Omega-3s are very important to your nervous system, and your body simply can’t function without a healthy level of omega 3 fatty acids.
Brazil Nuts come up surprisingly often with people who have overcome their tremors. A recent study done by the University of Illinois also showed that Brazil nuts play a vital role in preventing breast cancer, due to the high amounts of selenium they contain. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralise harmful free radicals that can attack healthy cells and increase the risk of serious conditions like heart disease and cancer — including breast cancer as already mentioned, and lung, bowel and prostate cancer.
Selenium also plays a role in healthy neurological function, whereas deficiencies in selenium can be a single cause of tremors. The tremors typically will not stop until the body is given adequate amounts of selenium from fresh food sources.
Cashews are another nut that comes up again and again. They contain a great source of iron, which is essential for the functioning of blood cells and enzyme activity, mag- nesium, phosphorous which is also important, and zinc along with more selenium.
Maximize the effectiveness of nuts in your diet by purchasing a handful of different kinds.
Important Spices
Long before people were trading tech- nologies, cheap clothing and oil, people were trading spices. And for good reason. Not only did they add flavor to very bland meals, but they provided natural health benefits for humans across the world.
The same is true in your fight against trem- ors. Here’s a list of tremor-fighting spices that are delicious additions to many meals.
• Turmeric: Used in India for centuries for a
wide range of ailments, this derivative of
the ginger family stimulates the central nervous system reducing anxiety and shak- ing related to it. Curcumin, found in turmeric, has been shown to fight Alzheimer’s in animal trials, and a number of people have written us and boasted its tremor fighting potential.

• Cayenne: Use sparingly on stressful days. Cayenne is used to reduce cardiovascular stresses that lead to tremors. It’s a delicious and spicy addition to any meal.
• Cinnamon: Insulin stability is extremely important when you attempt to stop your tremors. Cinnamon has a natural ability to stimulate insulin and lower blood sugar without damaging the pancreas and without consuming sugar, which spikes insulin levels. Cinnamon is truly one of the world’s healthiest foods. Plus it’s widespread and a delicious addition to any of your favorite healthy sweets.
Preparation Tip: Make adding these spices to your favorite meals a daily habit. Add turmeric to Indian dishes, rice dishes and vegetable stews. Cayenne is a spicy addition to Asian, Mexican and barbeque dishes. Add cinnamon to your favorite breakfast dish- es or sweets.
2. Tremor-Causing Foods
Now that we have gone over all the foods that you should be eating daily, now comes the hard part: cutting out of your diet, completely, the foods that could be causing your tremors.
You may be shocked and surprised to discover the foods that are likely causing your tremors, and you may naturally meet this information with a healthy amount of disbe- lief. But trust us, for each food listed in this section is detailed here only after receiving case after case in which people have stopped their essential tremor by cutting these things our of their diet entirely.
The importance that lies in your complete abandonment of all the foods listed below for the success of your essential tremor treatment is paramount. If you cannot bring yourself to give these things up, the chances of your tremors ending is cut quite con- siderably.
Our advice for this step of the program is to simply read and process what we have to say, and afterwards reflect on the information and contemplate ways in which you can help yourself more easily give these things up.
Refined Sugars
A person's ability to control his or her insulin levels is prerequisite to healthy neurological function. When insulin levels are constantly peaking and crash- ing, your body undergoes tremendous stress leading to exhaustion, irritability and not only an impotence to absorbing nutrients, but a response that robs your body of nutrients stored to keep all of your functions operating, namely,
the elimination of tremors.
Refined sugar's number one drawback is that it increases and spikes insulin levels which in turn inhibits the release of growth hormones which causes not only tremors, but severely decreased immunity. Men and women who have gotten a solid handle on deleting refined sugar consumption are the superstars of the Tremadone Program. The tremor reduction rate of these folks is exponential within the first two to three weeks of completely eliminating refined sugars. Many of these people volunteer to coun-
sel other sufferers to help them find healthy sugar substitutes (which does not mean "diet" products) and give them the support they need to continually decline foods with refined sugars.

Sugar so severely interrupts neurological functions and causes tremors largely because of its contribution to the parasite condition in all human beings: candida. The job of candida albicans is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria: Without it, we would be defenseless against many pathogenic bacteria. In a healthy person, Candida albicans numbers in the millions and is controlled by a properly-functioning immune system and "friendly" bacteria. However, if the number of friendly bacteria is decreased, the immune system is weakened, or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur (diet containing sugar, improper pH in the digestive system) Candida albicans will shift from yeast form to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body.
In the yeast state, Candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism, while in fun- gal state which is fed by refined sugar and sometimes natural sugars it is invasive and can produce rhizoids, very long root-like structures. Rhizoids can penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes similar to cavities in your teeth and allow- ing toxins, undigested food particles, bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. This condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Listen to this: candida overgrowth con- verts any testosterone in your body (and yes ladies, you do have testosterone in your body) into its derivative DHT, whose direct consequence is a loss of control of your body’s motor functions.
In other words, refined sugars perpetuate your tremors, are unhealthy and cause un- due stress on your body.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
It is quite easy to see why high fructose corn syrup could possibly be such an egregious violator to our central nervous system.
A study as recent as early 2009 found that nearly half of all high fructose corn syrup in common foods contained mer- cury. You can read the report here.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is produced
in a way that contaminates it with mercury, and there are two ways in which this can happen. The first is the caustic soda used to produce high fructose corn syrup is often made in plants that rely on mercury in the process, thus contaminating the caustic soda with mercury before it is used to make the High Fructose Corn Syrup. Secondly, the mercury cell technology that is commonly used in the process of creating High Fructose Corn Syrup.

But now a third reason has come to our attention why cutting out any product with High Fructose Corn Syrup is such a powerful weapon in the fight against essential tremor. Typically, foods that contain high fructose corn syrup also contain a number of other suspected substances that contribute to tremors. Common substances found in foods that contain HFCS include sodium benzoate, sodium aluminum phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, calcium propionate, glycerin, soy lecithin, and xanthan gum.
By eliminating all foods with high fructose corn syrup, you are also eliminating all foods with these other questionable substances. It is for this reason that we surmise the removal of high fructose corn syrup, entirely and immediately from the diet, is such a time tested effective method for beating your tremors.
Let's take a moment to really come to an understanding of what it means to eliminate all high fructose corn syrup from the diet. This includes nearly every single product that is "mass manufactured" by giants such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nabisco, Kraft, and oth- ers. It includes nearly all sodas, all junk food, all grocery-store bought bakery goods, all
Heinz ketchup, McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's hamburger buns, many types of ice cream, cereals, juice boxes, anything made by Kellogg's, candy bars, pop tarts, nu- trigrain bars, many sauces, and even some soups.
First step - next time you’re in the grocery store, check the ingredients of every pack- aged product you purchase. You don’t have to check fresh products like vegetables and fruits, because they don’t have any additives. Check the ingredients list for chemi- cals, high fructose corn syrup or additives you’ve never heard of. If they’re there, don’t buy the product. It’s that easy.
The contamination of our food supply with high fructose corn syrup, and thus toxic mercury, is so widespread that the utmost of diligence is required to effectively avoid the toxin. Yes, many more men and women are suffering from essential tremor today compared to a hundred years ago, and yes, this is unquestionably one of the main rea- sons.
The black line on the graph to the right illustrates the average number of pounds of high fructose corn syrup consumed by Americans each year. As recently as 1976, it was less than ten pounds. By the year 2000,
it was over 60 pounds. Current estimates
assert that in the year 2009, the average
American will consume over 100 pounds
of high fructose corn syrup. Just imag-
ine how much mercury is in all that corn

Gone are the days where you will buy foods without reading the ingredients label. If you truly want to fight your tremors, you can no longer purchase goods made with HFCS.
We have already spent a bit of time talking about tuna in our section on mercury, so we won't get into it to much, except to summarize what you already know.
Tuna contains high amounts of mercury.
Mercury in the body wreaks havoc on
your central nervous system and skews
your hormonal profile. Along with tuna,
all other large fish should be avoided,
including shark, marlin, bass, cod, hali-
but, lobster and salmon (unless it is wild Alaskan salmon). Small fish and shellfish, like shrimp, crabs and sardines are OK.

It may come in a small can, but the tuna is a very large fish. As such, its levels of mer- cury are among the highest in the ocean.
For the same reasons that tuna is on this list, we must also add sushi. In 2008, a New York Times investigation found that levels of mercury in Sushi available at Japanese restaurants in New York City were grossly over the limit allowed by law. Even that limit has come under fire for not being safe enough.
Please refer to the New York Times graph on the following page for some examples of their findings. Basically, they found that Japanese restaurants serving fresh tuna across New York City were serving tuna fish with concentrations of mercury that are way over the FDA approved levels. As we have already discussed, this should be a huge concern for people suffering from essential tremor.
It would be counter intuitive for someone to cut tuna and high fructose corn syrup from the diet, in an effort to avoid mercury, but continue to eat sushi.
Milk, Cheese and Yogurt with rBST
rBST stands for Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin. It is banned in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Canada. In America, however, it is certain that rBST has been used on the cows that made your milk, yo- gurt and cheese unless specifically otherwise stated on the milk carton.
The controversy over rBST goes back many years. It was first developed by Monsanto through the use
of a genetically engineered strain of E-Coli. Mon- santo is a well-known corporation that genetically engineers crops, animals and hormones. Monsanto currently controls 90 percent of the corn and 80 per- cent of the soy grown in America, crops which are all grown with their genetically modified seeds.

In 1994 Monsanto developed rBST under the trade name Posilac. The hormone, which is injected directly into the dairy cow, prevents the death of mammary cells. How- ever there were unintended consequences. Injecting cows with the rBST hormone increased the risk of the cow developing mastitis, or infection of the udder, by 25 per- cent.
With an infected udder, cows would pass puss through the milk and into our glasses. The condition was also excruciatingly painful for the cow. The FDA, which is currently run by former employees of Monsanto (including Michael Taylor, Margaret Miller, and Suzan Senchen), has labeled rBST as safe. When a small group of farmers decided to produce hormone free milk, and label their cartons as rBST free, Monsanto sued them for “false advertising.”
Thankfully, farmers are still allowed to print on the carton the fact that their milk is free from added hormones, or “rBST Free” but it is always accompanied with an asterisk (*) that says rBST is completely safe. To this day, rBST is still banned in Europe and abroad due to the fact that it causes cancer.
However, a number of people have reported to us that they suspect it caused their
continued tremors, because when they stopped drinking milk altogether, or switched to a milk made from cows not treated with rBST, their tremors were dramatically re- duced. This is just another example of how our diet is so important to our health and our appearance, and must be carefully safeguarded.
Foods containing Sodium Nitrites
Any meats that are processed with So- dium Nitrite should be avoided at all costs. Sodium nitrite is commonly used as a corrosion inhibitor for metals, a reagent in laboratories, the textile industry uses it to bleach fibers, manufacturers use it to make rubber, and the food industry uses it to cure bacon.
Which one of those just doesn't belong?
In fact, if you look at the ingredients in bacon, or pepperoni, or anything made by Oscar Meyer, or most hot dogs, you will find Sodium Nitrite staring back at you from the label, unless it otherwise states “Contains no sodium nitrite.”
“This would be at the top of my list of additives to cut from my diet," says Christine Gerbstadt, M.D., M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Associa- tion. “Under certain high-temperature cooking conditions such as grilling, it transforms into a reactive compound that has been shown to promote cancer.”
Sodium Nitrite also causes intense migraines in some people, and there is no ques- tion that it simultaneously wreaks havoc on your hormones while dramatically shifting your body chemistry. And it is a fact that a dose of just 2 grams of sodium Nitrite will kill you. But it is the effects that it has on the nervous system that is particular concern to us.
To date, we have received dozens of testimonials from people who claim that eliminat-
ing all sodium nitrite from their diet had a positive effect on their fight against tremors.
Very often, this method is combined with a lot of other dietary principals covered here, so it is sometimes difficult to isolate out what has the greatest effect, but time and again we come back to sodium nitrite as being a major causative factor in tremors, such that when it is removed from the diet, the tremors are eliminated. It is second only to high fructose corn syrup.
Aspartame - Throw away your Diet Coke!
Aspartame is the "fake sugar" present in all diet sodas and "sugar free" products. It is, without a doubt, the most toxic substance on the market currently being sold to con- sumers.
Over one million people in the US report having suffered from seizures after ingest- ing it. There have been so many studies and so many findings on the wide-reaching toxic effects of aspartame that it is an abso- lute tragedy it is still on the market.
If you would like to read hundreds of real testimonials from people who have experi- enced every health-related symptom you can imagine, all in connection to the aspar- tame found in diet sodas and other products, visit this web page.
And this of course is in addition to the countless men and women we have talked to, a number that easily reaches into the hundreds, about the adverse effects of aspartame on their tremors. A further problem with aspartame is that it converts to formaldehyde in the body, which can eventually lead to chronic formaldehyde poisoning, which can also cause neurological dysfunction.
Please note that if your tremors are being caused by aspartame, is can take as long as 60 days without consuming any aspartame before symptoms start to improve.
Alcohol - Does it really help?
Many of the people who try the Tremadone Program- methods report that the moderate consumption of alcohol improves their tremor symptoms. We are
certainly in no place to recommend the consump- tion of alcohol, but we will make two recommenda- tions if this is something you find to be effective.
First, moderation is key. Any hope of stopping trem- ors by consuming a case of beer nightly will be offset by liver problems, nervous disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other ailments. So if you must take this route, do it with one or two glasses a night.
Second, go with red wine. Red wine contains Resveratrol, a naturally occurring chemi- cal in grapes that has a high concentration of antioxidants that help your body fight free radicals that cause cancer and neurological disorders.
Health benefits of Resveratrol found in wine and grapes: Resveratrol is a naturally occurring chemical found in a number of plants, grapes and wine. It has long been touted for its positive effects on the nervous system and its anti-aging properties.
They are believed to protect cells from free radicals, harmful oxygen molecules thought to damage cells that result in cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, and they may be the underlying reason why we age.
So, if you’re going to have a drink to fight your essential tremor, make it red wine in moderation. Better still, is to avoid alcohol and supplement wine with regular grapes, which have a much higher concentration of naturally occurring Resveratrol.
Avoid Common Aggravators
The first thing many of us are told to cut back on when we start investigating essential tremor is always the same — avoid caffeine. And for good reason. The quickest and easiest step you can take to reduce the involuntary shaking of your hands, arms and even your head is to cut back on this simple aggravator, one that’s ubiquitous. That means avoiding energy drinks and caffeinated. Even chocolate has caffeine.
Being conscious of this and making a con-
certed effort to avoid these aggravators can really do wonders. It’s easy to find alterna- tives, especially for caffeine. If you drink coffee, grab a decaf. If you’re a tea drinker, try an herbal tea. We enjoy pomegranate, chamomile and Hibiscus herbal teas. Better yet, drink a cup of Kava, skullcap, oatstraw or marjoram (all of which are caffeine free).

If you’re looking for the extra boost that caffeine provides, orange juice is an excellent and healthy energizer. Plus, oranges have been used for years to increase blood cir- culation and combat the tremors. Also, something as simple as eating an apple keeps your body awake, because it stimulates your digestive tract. We have found on a num- ber of occasions that eating an apple actually works better than drinking coffee (espe- cially as we have gotten older), which radically increases the tremors and makes you crash after a while. Plus, apples provide some of the essential sugars that are necessary to keep your blood sugar levels under control — a very important factor when trying to avoid essential tremor.
Tremors are caused by a number of factors, which we have discussed throughout this report, but something as simple as eliminating caffeine and high-sugar energy drinks, which are loaded with refined sugars, from your diet can have wondrous effects.
Say No to Teflon-coated pans
It is now common knowledge that nonstick frying pans, coated with Teflon, which is patented by Dupont, release toxic particles when heated to high temperatures. Among the most toxic is PFOA, which causes a host of neurological disorders. PFOA is one of the critical ingredients in the manufac- turing process of Teflon.
Because of the toxicity of these pans, Dupont has agreed to take PFOA (Tef- lon with it) off the market by 2015.
Why? Because, as the Washington Post points out, this chemical causes cancer, birth defects and is found in the blood of 95 percent of Americans.
As the number of people diagnosed with tremors every year increases, it’s hard to deny the influence something like Teflon pans might have. The danger here is two fold: using any metal spatulas, forks or knives that scrape against the pan puts particles of PFOA directly in your food, as well as vapors that are released when the pan is heated to high temperatures. Perhaps this is why so many people who have stopped cooking with non-stick frying pans have seen an almost immediate reduction in their tremors.
So, now you have a mission. If you own any non-stick frying pans, you must throw them out. Don’t just “put them away” -because you will use them later. Throw them out today. Replace them with cast iron pans. While expensive in department stores, cast iron frying pans can usually be found very cheaply on craigslist, at flea markets or even on eBay.
The good news is that your body can, over time, process out the harmful chemicals that non-stick cookware puts into your body - especially if your diet is rich in cilantro and the probiotic-heavy foods I previously mentioned.
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
This section pertains mainly to people living in the US, but may become more pertinent to people in other countries soon.
The majority of genetically modified
crops are corn and soy, which find them-
selves into almost every processed food
on the market today. It may therefore be
shocking for you to learn that an equally
dramatic increase in the incidence of
people experiencing server tremors has occurred since 1997. The link between essen- tial tremor and the consumption of genetically modified food is fairly conclusive.

Now consider this. How would you feel if we told you that you were being used as a guinea pig in an experiment that was very likely to damage your health, and poten- tially cause you to have tremors, without your knowing? If you are like most folks, you would be very angry. Yet this is exactly what is happening in the United States thanks to the agricultural giant Monsanto, mentioned earlier in this report as the manufactur- er of Aspartame (the neurotoxin in all diet soda and sugar-free products) and rBST, the growth hormone being injected into dairy cows.
Unknown to nearly all consumers in the United States and abroad, we all eat geneti- cally modified food every day. Any food that is not explicitly labeled "Organic" is most likely genetically modified. Genetically modified corn is used as the base for all major cereals like Corn Flakes, as well as all high fructose corn syrup, which always comes from genetically modified corn. The amount of corn grown and consumed in the US that is genetically modified is now 80 percent, and nearly all of it comes from seeds engineered by Monsanto. This company has a horrible track record with respect to pro- tecting consumer's health. From this company comes just about all the corn and soy in the United States. And this corn and soy is genetically engineered to withstand show- ers of its pesticide Roundup, which kills every living thing it touches.
Because the corn and soy is genetically modified not to die when contacted with Roundup, (which is a concoction of over 4000 chemicals that it does not have to dis-
close) United States’ farmers now dump in excess of 400 million pounds of Roundup onto the corn and soy crops each year (and this isn’t by choice).
What's worse is that Obama recently appointed a former Monsanto employee, Tom Vil- sack as our agriculture secretary in the United States, and former Monsanto employee Michael Taylor to the FDA. All of our research shows again and again that consuming genetically modified corn and soy contributes more significantly to tremors than per- haps any other risk factor mentioned in this report. So fight back in the following ways:
First, commit to not eating any corn or soy that is not organic. Organic corn and Organ- ic soy can not be genetically modified. Second, commit to not eating any food that has corn or soy listed in it's ingredients, unless it's organic.
Final Thoughts
Over 10 million Americans suffer from Essential Tremor and most of them will never even know it. For those who are diagnosed or discover for themselves, there have traditionally been very few treatment options. Even today, doctors prescribe drugs that simply don’t work and carry unwanted and sometimes dangerous side effects.
Our goal at Tremadone is to change that precedent. Tremadone is a product that has worked for thousands of people suffering from Essential Tremor and we’re confident that it can work for you.
Tremadone’s “Tremor-Free Diet” was designed to enhance the Tremadone program. Thousands of people have testified to the diet’s ability to speed up Tremadone’s effec- tiveness while helping the body fend off potential dietary hazards.
Each day, you encourage you to try and stick to our dietary recommendations as closely as possible. Foods that you really like, which we advocate against, can be weened off. In other words, don’t try to go “cold turkey” on anything, because sooner or later you’ll snap and abruptly shift right back to your old habits. If you make small changes one day at a time, you’ll get where you’re trying to go without ever looking back.
The most frequent question we get about the Tremadone program is how much hope there is for an individual sufferer. Our unanimous answer is: “A lot!” Countless folks have seen incredible results simply using the Tremadone supplement twice a day and taking advantage of the “Tremor-Free Diet.”
Stay the path, keep making daily improvements however small, and know that there is every reason to have hope, regardless of your age, your genes, or the intensity of your tremors. We ask you to have some faith. You will get there, as so many men and wom- en have before you.
We believe in you.
The Tremadone Team

Here’s an example of a regular day on the tremor diet. We included three meals, a few beverage choices and a supplement schedule. You don’t have to do it exactly this way every day, but this will help you get an idea for how you can seamlessly and deliciously fuse the diet with your lifestyle.
1. Breakfast
Yogurt, granola and flaxseeds. Mix a cup of organic yogurt with live cultures, a few tablespoons of granola and a two teaspoons of ground flaxseeds. Wash it down with a cup of Yogi’s Kava tea served hot or poured over a cup of ice with a little honey for a brighter, sweeter kickstart to the day. If you opt for coffee, make it a decaf or at least half-caf while you ween yourself away from caffeine. Supplement breakfast with one tablet of the Tremadone Oral Supplement immediately after eating.
2. Lunch
A tremor fighting salad with lettuce, spinach, cilantro, ginger, garlic, walnuts, ground flaxseed and red kidney beans (substitute chicken for the kidney beans if you’d like). Finely chop the cilantro, gin- ger and garlic and add your favorite dressing (make sure it doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup). Top it off with olive oil and fresh lemon juice for an added twist. Treat yourself with a Hansen’s soda (none of their sodas are made with high fructose corn syrup).
3. Dinner
Cilantro Pesto over whole wheat spaghetti. Gather the following ingredients: one bunch of fresh organic cilantro,a cup of extra virgin olive oil, one tablespoon of cod liver oil with lemon, half a cup of roasted pine nuts, three tablespoons of fresh avocado, two cloves of garlic peeled and mashed and a quarter teaspoon of tumeric, sea salt and black pepper. Take all the ingredients and mix them in a food processor or blender and pour the results over hot spaghetti. Have a drink of your choice. A glass of red wine, water, milk, etc. Supplement breakfast with another tablet of the Tremadone Oral Supplement immediately after eating. 

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Two points

ЭТУ ТОЧКУ ИСПОЛЬЗУЮТ В ВОЕННОЙ МЕДИЦИНЕ! Если Вам не просто плохо, а хреново, надавите на точку! точка работает 100%

Особая точка на пальце руки и шикарная точка на ногах… Если Вам не просто плохо, а хреново, надавите на точку и держите долго.

Особая точка на пальце.
Снижает резко давление,нормализует многие вещи.
Сознание проясняется, в глазах станет ясно.
В ушах — на грани звона.
Этим пользуются в военной медицине. А там лечение от обычной сильно отличается. Там экстремальная медицина. Там нужно делать все быстро, быстро восстановить, быстро остановить,быстро поднять на ноги.
Точка находится на среднем пальце на подушечке.. Ооочень болезненная..
Держать надо долго -1 минуту. Но, зато, потом любая боль уходит.Уходит и другая боль — из позвоночника.
А еще есть шикарная точка на ногах… 
Называется точка устранения злости.
Ежедневный 5-ти минутный массаж на обеих ногах избавит от многих заболеваний, вызванных именно накоплением негатива человеком.
Точка очень болезненная, ошибка не возможна. Находится перед бугорком.