Wednesday, 31 August 2011


1.Before sleep eat  BANANA.(serotonin,magniy)
2.Drink CAMOMILE tea and honey and wholewheat bread.
3.Warm  MILK(triptofan,Ca)+honey
5.Small plate OAT poridge(Hohey),if was stress + 2tsp.linseed.(Omega 3 make fieal good)
6.Handfull of ALMOND(triptofan and Magnium)
7.Good  in the evening eat TURKEY on wholwheat(triptofan)
8.Drink from DILL SEEDS-50g.D.S.boil in 0/5 L red vine on small temp.Drink 50-60 ml.before sleep
9Good to walk before go to sleep.
10.No coffea or tea ,only tea Mint or Melissa before sleep.
11.ONION with dark bread before sleep or APPLE
CABBAGE  JUICE  40min before sleep.
12.APLLE CIDER and honey -2 tsp.each in 1 cup.boiled water.Drink  1 hour before go sleep.
13.Pumpkin juice  - for good sleep.
14.Drink  water from COOKED PUMPKIN+ honey
15.Boiled water+1tsp.honey+2 tsp.lemon juice.(good for high blood pressure)
Drink  2tsp.DILL in 1 cup boiled water,15 wait in 2 parts 30 min before sleep.
16.Kernels Hop(shishki chmelya)put in box and put next to bed.Open for night,close at day.
17.Try wash head  cold(medium) water or  warm(if not help cold)
18.Celery root=15 g+1L boiled cold water,(grated) let stay,drink 100g before eat.
19.Apple cider(2Tbs.+1Lwarm water.Wet socks and wear,on top dry socks and sleep
20.MIXED GRASS in bag next to bed:Lavanda,Mint,Rosemarin
21.Music (Mozart)before go to bed.
HEAD ACHE=3 Tbs.salt+0,5L warm water.Wet cloth and on forehead ,scurf for15-20min

Monday, 29 August 2011


2-3 cloves garlic+30-50ml.boiled water for 2 hrs.and drop to each nostril 2-3 drops for 2 days.
NASMORK- Onion skin put on Hot Elektrical Stove and SMELL.

ANGINA =CLOVE(gvozdika):0/5L.water+32 cloves(spices).Boil,cover for 12 hrs.Gargle 4 times a day.THE BEST!---------------------------------------------
TONSILITIS;Propolis 1% +honey 1tsp.mix and put into mouth,slow suckin.for 10 days.Stpo and more 10 days.
Also good drink 1 cup Beer(hot)slow and go sleep.2-3 times.Same for Laringit and Faringit.
2)SEA BUCKHORN(oblepixa oil)-grease nose 2-3 times dayl
  and Throat(faringit) and tonsils.(vatoy na palochke)
3)Gargle every hour warm water;!st 1tsp.soda=1cup water,2nd hr.1tsp.salt,3d hr with 10 drops iodine.
4)Propolis- 1 part 10%extract+ 2 parts Glyzerine(smazivat throat 4-5 times a day
5)Apple cider vinager to gargle:1 Tbs.+1/2 cup hot water few times a day and sip a little.
6)Lemon juice+ honey same size gargle and drink.
7)Beetroot juice to gargle.
8)Propolis extract in 1/2 cup warm water to gargle.-IMMEDIATE RESULT.
9)2 Aspirin tablets in glass warm water- gargle
10)Strong Tea for gargle
 COLDS AND FLU; 3 tbs horseradish to 1L boiled water and smell under covered pot
5-10 min
Gnoyniy Plevrit(inflammation)---  Aloe,Honey,Kagor each 1 cup for 10 days in dark place in glass.Room temperature.Each day to shake.Take:1 Tbs. 3 times a day before eating food.After 15-20 min.drink Hot milk.
COUGH-in glass tin make opening,2-3 cloves garlic(shred) and put in pot with hot water.Dip breath by mouth and breath out by nose.15-20 min.Not later than 2 hrs.before sleep.Repeat after 2-3 days.
ASTMA and prevention:24 lemons,450 g.garlic,2L glass tin.Make juice,grate garlic,all mix for 15 days in cupboard,cover with x/b cloth.Take 1tsp.on 1/2 cup boiled water.Finish all. 2 times a year.----------------------------------------------
CHRONICAL BRONCHITIS- 2-3 Tbs.sugar on frypan to brown colour+1 cup water+2Tbs.expectorant ,4-5 days.
1 Tbs fried sugar+1/2 cup water before go sleep
BRONCHTIS;Black radish,grate,warm(little)on ''marliu'and to back and chest for 15 min.
MUCUS off from bronch (chinese) 3  Lemons with skin +125gr.grated Horseradish.1 tsp.Morning and Evening 10 min.before  food  for 2-3 weeks

COLD PREVENTION:1 tsp.oil suck before eat in the morning,then gargle mouth with warm water 1 cup=1/4 tsp.curcuma+1/2 tsp.salt.
Good to gargle throat every day,then 1 ps.garlic hold  in mouth as a candy.Through saliva to body.
COld:50 radish -grate,2 lemon-juice. 2tsp.2 a day after food and not eat 1/2hour.
CO=LD- for night:4-5 red hot pepper +0/5 for 3 days hold.Put socks  wet and wear and go to sleep.Good !!
CABBAGE  leaves(make soft)and to throat,scarf  wooven and for 2 hours,then repeat.
NOSE clean with salt water and massage 10 times 3 points on nostril,wash nose with hhousesoap.
COLDS AND FLU: Chicken soup. Ginger tea-3-4 slices in hot water,simmering 10-30 min.+honey+lemon.+hyssop tea(health shop)
Chili pepper (cayenne)sprincle  on food.
Astragalus+Interferon(for bronchitis sufferers.
Echinesia(prevent and treat)  CARLIC.Elderberry(stops viruses)
Zink(immune system).Avoid dairy(make mucus)
THROAT :  1) put on scarf.2)Hold in mouth Honey,Oblepixa oil,little garlic,eat 1/2 lemon with skin(not eat 1hr.after),gargle.
Soda 1/4ts.+1/4 cup hot water.On scarf put  cotton ,cellofun and marlyu 4-6 slices in
SINUS-pain:1-2 tsp Thyme dry in a cup of boiling water,10 min 3 times a day.
NOSE dripping-wash nose with salt or soda with water.3-5 times a day.
3.Smell smoked" dry ps.of bread 3-5 times 3 min.
4.Nose-(gaymorit)-2 potatoes in skin,boiled,roll over nose,or same with eggs,or with hot salt(big) in bag.
5.Nose-dry Mustard to feet and wool socks for 2-3 hrs.and walk in the room.
6.Nose-inhalation :3-4 tsp.sodai in boiling water  and breath 10 min.Or eucalyptus,or mint,or Pine leaf-bud.
7.Nose-5-6 drops fresh beetroot or tampon in nostrils.Or Carrot juice +oil(few drops)+garlic(few drops)or
skin of orange in nostrils for 15-20 min.
8.Nose-massage points:between brows, between Big and Indicating finger 10 times both direction.
9.COUGH=Grate few onions and cook with sugar(1  cup,200g)5-10 min.on small.Drink every hour 1 tsp.

10.NASMORK(Rinit)=To each nostril -OTRIVIN 4-5days morning and night.After 5 min wash with salted water.For 1L boiled water 2 tsp sea salt and 1tsp.Soda
11.PICHTA (ABIES) OIL-for Angina -spread on Mindalini with stick and Cotton wool 3-4 times a day for 2-3 days.
12.COUGH- before sleep 3-5drops on tongue .Good! PICHTA(ABIES) oil.
13.BRONCHITIS -0/5 L boiling water+ 5drops Pichta oil.Inhalation  5-10min